Sunday, May 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hardware Progress Demo
Communication between micro controller and computer was made using an UART cable. Communication between WiFly module and micro controller is still in progress.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Possible Sabotage Attempt?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Some Hardware...Finally!!!
This week the team has been working on the hardware part of our project. We bought and ordered some new equipment. We started learning how to use and program the micro controller MSP430f149. We also worked on the circuit for the LCD and were able to turn it on to make sure it works. Our goal for next week is to work hard on showing events in the lcd and also making the buttons functional. So that way we can focus on working on more micro controller programming and also working with the WiFly communication.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wifly Configured
Josué and Juan configured the Wifly module. Thanks to the team Duck Tape Solutions for letting us borrow the Wifly Evaluation Kit to make this possible.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Reunion - March 26
The team met to work on hardware circuit for the lcd. The designed circuit did not work. No advance can be seen so far in the hardware part of our project.
Attendance: Josue, Juan, Jecximara
Absent: Jose
Attendance: Josue, Juan, Jecximara
Absent: Jose
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Reunion - March 24 (2)
The team met again to finish working on the presentation and progress report also to practice the presentation.
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue, Jecximara
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue, Jecximara
Reunion - March 24
The team met after class to keep working on the progress report and presentation. The progress report was almost done but needed Jecximaras parts and also minimize quantity of pages and work in the appendix.
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Reunion - March 23
The team met to put together individual parts of the progress report. All individual parts of the progress report were united except for the hardware parts (except hardware budget) assigned to Jecximara.
Attendance: Josue, Juan, Jose
Absent: Jecximara
Attendance: Josue, Juan, Jose
Absent: Jecximara
Friday, March 20, 2009
Reunion - March 19
The team met with professor Manuel to get some pointers on pointers. Also to make the report madness presentation.
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Monday, March 16, 2009
Reunion - March 16
The team got together to discuss tasks that each is suposed to have for this friday and for monday.
Para antes de este viernes tenemos que tener esto:
Jose: Clases de las funciones del LCD
Jexi: Las clases que ya estaban en C++ pasadas a C y el esquematico o diagrama de pines de como van conectados los diferentes componentes de hardware
Juan: La page con lo de search by room
Josue: Change Password form y Company Info form.
Para el lunes:
Jexi: Explicacion detallada de las cosas que tenemos del hardware hasta ahora y lo del budget analysis (comparacion con el de la propuesta y pq cambio)
Jose: Codigo del LCD y explicacion de este, tambien el executive sumary
Juan: Codigo de la webpage y explicacion
Josue: Comparacion de Budgets y Codigo de la main app y explicacion
Para antes de este viernes tenemos que tener esto:
Jose: Clases de las funciones del LCD
Jexi: Las clases que ya estaban en C++ pasadas a C y el esquematico o diagrama de pines de como van conectados los diferentes componentes de hardware
Juan: La page con lo de search by room
Josue: Change Password form y Company Info form.
Para el lunes:
Jexi: Explicacion detallada de las cosas que tenemos del hardware hasta ahora y lo del budget analysis (comparacion con el de la propuesta y pq cambio)
Jose: Codigo del LCD y explicacion de este, tambien el executive sumary
Juan: Codigo de la webpage y explicacion
Josue: Comparacion de Budgets y Codigo de la main app y explicacion
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Meeting with Manuel Rodriguez
Today the team met with professor Manuel Rodriguez to discuss the Proposal. Professor mentioned their worries about the range of the zigbee vs. Wifly. The team decided to use WiFly instead of Xbee since it seems to have better range.
Attendance: Jecximara, Jose, Juan, Josue
Attendance: Jecximara, Jose, Juan, Josue
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Reunion - March 5
The team met to discuss happy hour tasks. Each member should send the PM their tasks that they want to be added or changed into the gant chart for the first happy hour.
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Reunion (Proposal)- February 25
The team met to work with the new feedback of the proposal. We fixed all of the changes according to what Prof. Manuel Rodriguez said.
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Reunion with Prof. Manuel - February 25
Met with Professor Manuel Rodriguez to discuss Proposal changes that needed to be done. Aside from the ones already changed we needed to work with the following parts of the proposal:
-SMART Objectives
-Economic Analizis
-How will we manage legal aspects
-Training Needs
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
-SMART Objectives
-Economic Analizis
-How will we manage legal aspects
-Training Needs
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Monday, February 23, 2009
Reunion - February 23
Met with Fernando to discuss concerns about hardware and proposal remake. Changes must be made in a new Proposal and not on different documents. Also talked with Manuel about how he wanted the proposal to be. Must make new one with changes integrated.
Attendance: Juan, Jecximara, Josue
Absent: Jose
Attendance: Juan, Jecximara, Josue
Absent: Jose
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Reunion - February 22
Got together to do the following documents asked for our proposal.
1) Justificacion de la complejidad del software en el proyecto. (JUAN)
2) Descripcion detallada del software, incluyendo arquitectura del sistema y de "layer diagram" donde ilustre cada modulo. (JOSUE)
3) Interfase grafica del LCD y cuales son las operaciones que puede hacer el usuario. Ahora mismo lo que el dispositivo hace es simplemente recibir informacion del servidor. (JECXIMARA)
4) Revisar si Zigbee es la tecnologia adecuada (por que no WiFi). (JECXIMARA)
5) Un nuevo ER Diagram del sistema ya que el actual es trivial. Los cuartos ("rooms") deben ser una entidad y no un atributo de eventos.(JOSE)
6) Un nuevo work break down structure donde indentifique las tareas decada uno. (JOSUE)
7) Plan para probar el software. (JUAN)
8) Explicacion de quien es el cliente y cual es el problema que se resuelve. (JOSE)
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Jecximara, Josue
1) Justificacion de la complejidad del software en el proyecto. (JUAN)
2) Descripcion detallada del software, incluyendo arquitectura del sistema y de "layer diagram" donde ilustre cada modulo. (JOSUE)
3) Interfase grafica del LCD y cuales son las operaciones que puede hacer el usuario. Ahora mismo lo que el dispositivo hace es simplemente recibir informacion del servidor. (JECXIMARA)
4) Revisar si Zigbee es la tecnologia adecuada (por que no WiFi). (JECXIMARA)
5) Un nuevo ER Diagram del sistema ya que el actual es trivial. Los cuartos ("rooms") deben ser una entidad y no un atributo de eventos.(JOSE)
6) Un nuevo work break down structure donde indentifique las tareas decada uno. (JOSUE)
7) Plan para probar el software. (JUAN)
8) Explicacion de quien es el cliente y cual es el problema que se resuelve. (JOSE)
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Jecximara, Josue
Friday, February 20, 2009
Reunion - February 20
Discussed hardware changes that we have to do, and different options.
Discussed main application and got feedback from team member about changes that could be done.
Some where:
-The abbility to remove halls,
-Administrator should be able to add or edit information about the convention center
-Add hall capacity
-Edit "About" information
-Configure characters quantity with the ones on the database.
Discussed the webpage domain that we will use, price and time that we will be renting it.
Discussed database fields that should be added.
Met with Arnaldo gave us some hardware components including an LCD, Keyboard, USB Cable, Power supply, and a box from another team from last year.
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Discussed main application and got feedback from team member about changes that could be done.
Some where:
-The abbility to remove halls,
-Administrator should be able to add or edit information about the convention center
-Add hall capacity
-Edit "About" information
-Configure characters quantity with the ones on the database.
Discussed the webpage domain that we will use, price and time that we will be renting it.
Discussed database fields that should be added.
Met with Arnaldo gave us some hardware components including an LCD, Keyboard, USB Cable, Power supply, and a box from another team from last year.
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Reunion - February 17
Met to discuss hardware issues with professor. Professor was not able to meet with us at that time.
Attendance: Jecximara, Juan, Jose, Josue
Attendance: Jecximara, Juan, Jose, Josue
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Reunion - February 10 Dices
Met with Dices to discuss hardware options for our project. He recommended we use Xbee Pro with an aditional antenna thats only $8.00, since it will have more range. He also recomended we use Micro controller MSP430F149.
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Monday, February 9, 2009
Reunion - February 9
Met with the team to discuss wireless technology. We agreed to use Zigbee. We discussed the option of giving an unique id with the micro/lcd and also with the rooms in case the person decides to move the lcd into another room.
Met with Naida to discuss hardware design and Gant Chart. We have to change some things about the gant chart. We have to talk to Dices to clear doubts about Zigbee and about the LCD. We also have to be more specific about the connection of the micro controller with the LCD. We have to check more about Softwares Architectures.
Attendance: Josue, Jose, Juan, Jecximara
Met with Naida to discuss hardware design and Gant Chart. We have to change some things about the gant chart. We have to talk to Dices to clear doubts about Zigbee and about the LCD. We also have to be more specific about the connection of the micro controller with the LCD. We have to check more about Softwares Architectures.
Attendance: Josue, Jose, Juan, Jecximara
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Reunion - February 8
Got together to fix and discuss the proposal, presentation, and Gant Chart. Decided to use ZigBee as the wireless technology to communicate with the microprocessor. Tomorrow all of our part for the presentation should be completed and united. Scheduled reunion for Tuesday at 6pm to practice the presentation.
Attendance: Juan, Jecximara, Jose, Josue
Attendance: Juan, Jecximara, Jose, Josue
Friday, February 6, 2009
Reunion con Fernando
Abstracts- Mencionar que son numerosas salas de cantidad variable y/o modular
Manejo simultaneo de eventos
Anadir lo de los updates de la indformacion si ocurren cambios en actividad
Mercado Potencial- Anadir Hoteles con centro de Convenciones
Economic Aspects- Mencionar costo total del proyecto
Incluir tiempo de realizacion-
La duracion del proyecto sra de tantos meses y se espera se termine para tal fecha
Anadir Acceso a la informacion via Webpage- mostrar salas, info, horas, cambio, mapa de salas etc.
WiFi ($100)- mas flexible
Considerar consumo de energia- baterias, energia electrica
ZigBee ($40-$50) - barato facil de programar
Es mas comercial si se hace de las dos formas, cableado e inalambrico
En informe final mecionar los dos tipos de comunicacion aunque solo logremos una.
Aclara que lo que proponemos es un prototipo de laboratorio o prueba de concepto que demuestra la funcionalidad del sistema
Posibilidad de hacer algo mas interactivo LCD mas keyboard para permitir accesar otra informacion
Control de cambios
Especificacion original
Spec. Modificada
Impacto o efecto en el proyecto, tiempo, costo etc...
TI- mas instrumentacion en el colegio
Asistencia: Jose, Juan, Jecximara, Josue
Manejo simultaneo de eventos
Anadir lo de los updates de la indformacion si ocurren cambios en actividad
Mercado Potencial- Anadir Hoteles con centro de Convenciones
Economic Aspects- Mencionar costo total del proyecto
Incluir tiempo de realizacion-
La duracion del proyecto sra de tantos meses y se espera se termine para tal fecha
Anadir Acceso a la informacion via Webpage- mostrar salas, info, horas, cambio, mapa de salas etc.
WiFi ($100)- mas flexible
Considerar consumo de energia- baterias, energia electrica
ZigBee ($40-$50) - barato facil de programar
Es mas comercial si se hace de las dos formas, cableado e inalambrico
En informe final mecionar los dos tipos de comunicacion aunque solo logremos una.
Aclara que lo que proponemos es un prototipo de laboratorio o prueba de concepto que demuestra la funcionalidad del sistema
Posibilidad de hacer algo mas interactivo LCD mas keyboard para permitir accesar otra informacion
Control de cambios
Especificacion original
Spec. Modificada
Impacto o efecto en el proyecto, tiempo, costo etc...
TI- mas instrumentacion en el colegio
Asistencia: Jose, Juan, Jecximara, Josue
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Client Meeting Tomorrow
Tomorrow our team will meet with our client Fernando to discuss what we have of the proposal and receive his feedback then work on whatever needs working.
Reunion - February 5
Met with the team to put together Jecximaras parts in the proposal. Jexcimara sent some of her tasks by email. Her tasks that aren't ready yet are the Hardware parts of the proposal.
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Attendance: Juan, Jose, Josue
Absent: Jecximara
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Reunion With Fernando
Met with Fernando at 11:30 am to discuss if there were gonna be a problem with the similarities with our project and another other project and also to discuss if he could be our client. He agreed to be our client for this project.
Reunion with Dani - February 4
Group Reunion - February 4
Today we got together at 3:00pm to unite all of the different parts of the proposal that each member was assigned. Jose, Juan, and Josue delivered their tasks. We are still waiting for Jecximara's tasks, she was not able to come to the reunion. Her tasks are supposed to be ready at the latest tonight.
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jexcimara
Attendance: Jose, Juan, Josue
Absent: Jexcimara
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Reunion - January 30
Today we got together to divide the work of the proposal, we also assigned a date for our next reunion to check up on things and unite all of our work.
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Attendance: Jose, Jecximara, Juan, Josue
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Professional Biographies
Jose Esteban Lugo
The bulk of my expertise lies in the software side of computer engineering. The vast majority of any work I've done is software based. The core of my education has gone into this area.
Any real wrok I have preformed has been freelance, and mostly related with web desig.
I do possess some experience in hardware design, particualrly using cadence. I have participated in designing 2 circuits for class using this software. The first was a circuit designed to tally gymnastic's scores. The second a digital to analog converter.
Software side I've worked mostly with Java, C, C#, SQL, HTMl. I have dabbled in a signifcant number of others but very lightly. Most projects for class have been java based, but I have also participated in the design of a data base system, a sew web designs, and programing a microprocessor in C, reading and displaying its output in C#. I am also quite proficient with image processing software (mostly photoshop).
Juan M. Diaz
In general my abilities are in software design and programming, graphic user interface design, databases, and web programming.
I worked as a Coop in Medtronic MPROC, as a software developer. My tasks were design, write code and test of applications used to improve production and avoid human errors on the productions lines. The majority of the developed applications were designed to interface with a barcode scanner and/or a matrix reader. As part of my work I prepared all the documentation related with the developed applications that are required by external agencies, like the FDA.
I work all the related with graphical art, artistic design, web design, photo editing and digital drawing. Also I have knowledge in 3d design and animation software like Maya and 3DS Max and photo editing software like Photoshop, Image Ready, Corel Painter, etc. I also have knowledge in video authoring and editing software like Adobe Premier, Audition, After Effects, Power Director, etc.
I have worked in web page design with languages like PHP,, HTML, XML, flash, SQL, and with databases in MySQL and Microsoft software for and C#. I have knowledge in Dreamweaver, Visual Studio Web development, RapidPHP, FrontPage, Golive, Microsoft Web Expression.
Some class projects that I had developed are a Waiting list Web application for the REA framework of the UPRM portal, A Virtual Book Store , a Digital to analog converter, a design of a Microprocessor in software (JAVA) and LogicWorks.
I know to program in the following programming languages: C, Java, C#, Visual Basic 6,, HTML, PHP and JavaScript.
Josue Matias
I study Computer Engineering at the UPR of Mayagüez my specialization is in software. In college I took several courses which have helped me learn several of things I know today. I've worked on several projects as part of a group or alone. These projects have helped me to get familiar with various programming languages. The programming languages with which I am most familiar are C #, Java and VB6, but it’s not hard for me to learn or use others.
Last year I did my COOP with Medtronic where I worked as a software developer. As part of my job I mostly worked with three different projects, one in VB6 and two in C #. In these projects I also used languages like SQL and XML. My job there also included tasks such as meetings with customers, creating documents, coding, testing, among others. Also as part of my COOP I had the opportunity to take trainings on PM and Oracle. I am currently still working part-time for Medtronic.
Jexcimara Alers
Jecximara Alers Fernandez is a Computer Engineer from the University Of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. She has taken courses related to Software and Hardware Engeneering. She has some experience with C,C++,Java, Visual Basic and various Assembly languages. Also she worked in development of embedded system based on the TI MSP430 and the M68HC12 microcontroller. During her work as a COOP student she work on improving an existing program created with visualbasic. Her Knowledge in the languages mentioned above and the experience working with hardware make her one of the Hardware Engineer of the team.
The bulk of my expertise lies in the software side of computer engineering. The vast majority of any work I've done is software based. The core of my education has gone into this area.
Any real wrok I have preformed has been freelance, and mostly related with web desig.
I do possess some experience in hardware design, particualrly using cadence. I have participated in designing 2 circuits for class using this software. The first was a circuit designed to tally gymnastic's scores. The second a digital to analog converter.
Software side I've worked mostly with Java, C, C#, SQL, HTMl. I have dabbled in a signifcant number of others but very lightly. Most projects for class have been java based, but I have also participated in the design of a data base system, a sew web designs, and programing a microprocessor in C, reading and displaying its output in C#. I am also quite proficient with image processing software (mostly photoshop).
Juan M. Diaz
In general my abilities are in software design and programming, graphic user interface design, databases, and web programming.
I worked as a Coop in Medtronic MPROC, as a software developer. My tasks were design, write code and test of applications used to improve production and avoid human errors on the productions lines. The majority of the developed applications were designed to interface with a barcode scanner and/or a matrix reader. As part of my work I prepared all the documentation related with the developed applications that are required by external agencies, like the FDA.
I work all the related with graphical art, artistic design, web design, photo editing and digital drawing. Also I have knowledge in 3d design and animation software like Maya and 3DS Max and photo editing software like Photoshop, Image Ready, Corel Painter, etc. I also have knowledge in video authoring and editing software like Adobe Premier, Audition, After Effects, Power Director, etc.
I have worked in web page design with languages like PHP,, HTML, XML, flash, SQL, and with databases in MySQL and Microsoft software for and C#. I have knowledge in Dreamweaver, Visual Studio Web development, RapidPHP, FrontPage, Golive, Microsoft Web Expression.
Some class projects that I had developed are a Waiting list Web application for the REA framework of the UPRM portal, A Virtual Book Store , a Digital to analog converter, a design of a Microprocessor in software (JAVA) and LogicWorks.
I know to program in the following programming languages: C, Java, C#, Visual Basic 6,, HTML, PHP and JavaScript.
Josue Matias
I study Computer Engineering at the UPR of Mayagüez my specialization is in software. In college I took several courses which have helped me learn several of things I know today. I've worked on several projects as part of a group or alone. These projects have helped me to get familiar with various programming languages. The programming languages with which I am most familiar are C #, Java and VB6, but it’s not hard for me to learn or use others.
Last year I did my COOP with Medtronic where I worked as a software developer. As part of my job I mostly worked with three different projects, one in VB6 and two in C #. In these projects I also used languages like SQL and XML. My job there also included tasks such as meetings with customers, creating documents, coding, testing, among others. Also as part of my COOP I had the opportunity to take trainings on PM and Oracle. I am currently still working part-time for Medtronic.
Jexcimara Alers
Jecximara Alers Fernandez is a Computer Engineer from the University Of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. She has taken courses related to Software and Hardware Engeneering. She has some experience with C,C++,Java, Visual Basic and various Assembly languages. Also she worked in development of embedded system based on the TI MSP430 and the M68HC12 microcontroller. During her work as a COOP student she work on improving an existing program created with visualbasic. Her Knowledge in the languages mentioned above and the experience working with hardware make her one of the Hardware Engineer of the team.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Available Hours for Reunions
This are the available hours that each member has for reunions.
Josue Matias available hours are:
Lunes: 11:30 am - 5:00pm y 9:00pm en adelante
Martes: Cualquier hora
Miercoles: 11:30 am en adelante
Jueves: Cualquier hora
Viernes: 11:30 am en adelante
Sabado: No Disponible ( Debido a Repaso de revalida en SJ)
Domingo: Cualquier hora
Juan M Diaz available hours:
Lunes: 11:30 am - 5:00pm y 9:00pm en adelante
Martes: 10:00 en adelante
Miercoles: 11:30 am en adelante
Jueves: 10:00 en adelante
Viernes: 11:30 am en adelante
Sabado: Disp
Domingo: Disp
Jose available hours:
Lunes: 2:30-4:30 pm y 6:00pm en adelante
Martes: 3:15pm en adelante
Miercoles: 2:30-4:30 pm y 6:00pm en adelante
Jueves: 3:15pm en adelante
Viernes: 2:30 pm en adelante
Sabado: Cualquier hora
Domingo: Cualquier hora
Jecximara available hours:
Lunes: 1:30pm- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm en Aguadilla
martes: 10:30am-3:00pm trabajo de 5-10pm
miercoles: 1:30- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm
jueves: 10:30am-3:00pm trabajo de 5-10pm
viernes: 1:30pm- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm
sabado: 10:00am - 5:00pm trabajo de 6-12pm
domingo: 10:00am-4:00pm
Josue Matias available hours are:
Lunes: 11:30 am - 5:00pm y 9:00pm en adelante
Martes: Cualquier hora
Miercoles: 11:30 am en adelante
Jueves: Cualquier hora
Viernes: 11:30 am en adelante
Sabado: No Disponible ( Debido a Repaso de revalida en SJ)
Domingo: Cualquier hora
Juan M Diaz available hours:
Lunes: 11:30 am - 5:00pm y 9:00pm en adelante
Martes: 10:00 en adelante
Miercoles: 11:30 am en adelante
Jueves: 10:00 en adelante
Viernes: 11:30 am en adelante
Sabado: Disp
Domingo: Disp
Jose available hours:
Lunes: 2:30-4:30 pm y 6:00pm en adelante
Martes: 3:15pm en adelante
Miercoles: 2:30-4:30 pm y 6:00pm en adelante
Jueves: 3:15pm en adelante
Viernes: 2:30 pm en adelante
Sabado: Cualquier hora
Domingo: Cualquier hora
Jecximara available hours:
Lunes: 1:30pm- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm en Aguadilla
martes: 10:30am-3:00pm trabajo de 5-10pm
miercoles: 1:30- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm
jueves: 10:30am-3:00pm trabajo de 5-10pm
viernes: 1:30pm- 4:30pm trabajo de 6-10pm
sabado: 10:00am - 5:00pm trabajo de 6-12pm
domingo: 10:00am-4:00pm
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Reunion #2 Statement of Work
Date: January 22 , 2009 Hora: 4:00- 5:30
Asistence: Josue, Juan, Jose
A task was assigned to Jecximara.
Asistence: Josue, Juan, Jose
A task was assigned to Jecximara.
- Porpouse
- Project Background
- Project Deliverables
- Measurable Success Indicators
- Costummer Support
- Risk Plans (Assignado a Jecximara)
- Notes / Support Inforamtion
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First Reunion
Date: January 20, 2009 3:00-4:30
Asistence: Josue, Juan, Jose, Jecximara
Topics Discussed:
Project: Informative System for Conventions Center
Team Name: J4 Innovations
Team Members:
Josué Matías
Juan M. Díaz
José Lugo
Jecximara Alers
To create a system that maintains the users of a convention center; visitors, event planners, and convention center administrators; informed of the status of the convention center halls (or rooms), their availability and activities that will be performed in each hall. With the development of our project we will be avoiding the inconveniences that usually happen when an user enters a hall its already occupied or that the activities that they are giving isn’t the one he or she wishes to go to, and it’s hard for the persons assisting to a convention center to find the correct hall their activity is in. The convention center has many halls and its hard for visitors to know where the activity that they want to assist is in. Our project will help maintain the convention center more organized and make their visitors more satisfied with the organization of the facilities that they are visiting. Saving the visitors; time, effort and stress.
Our project will be a prototype compounded by software and hardware parts. The hardware part will consist of one or more LCD displays that will be installed in the entrance of each hall of the convention center. The LCD will indicate the activity that will be given on each hall, information about it and the availability of the hall. The content of these screens will be manageable from software that will be in a computer on the central office of the convention center. This software will be used to manage and enter the data and send it to the corresponding LCD.
Asistence: Josue, Juan, Jose, Jecximara
Topics Discussed:
Project: Informative System for Conventions Center
Team Name: J4 Innovations
Team Members:
Josué Matías
Juan M. Díaz
José Lugo
Jecximara Alers
To create a system that maintains the users of a convention center; visitors, event planners, and convention center administrators; informed of the status of the convention center halls (or rooms), their availability and activities that will be performed in each hall. With the development of our project we will be avoiding the inconveniences that usually happen when an user enters a hall its already occupied or that the activities that they are giving isn’t the one he or she wishes to go to, and it’s hard for the persons assisting to a convention center to find the correct hall their activity is in. The convention center has many halls and its hard for visitors to know where the activity that they want to assist is in. Our project will help maintain the convention center more organized and make their visitors more satisfied with the organization of the facilities that they are visiting. Saving the visitors; time, effort and stress.
Our project will be a prototype compounded by software and hardware parts. The hardware part will consist of one or more LCD displays that will be installed in the entrance of each hall of the convention center. The LCD will indicate the activity that will be given on each hall, information about it and the availability of the hall. The content of these screens will be manageable from software that will be in a computer on the central office of the convention center. This software will be used to manage and enter the data and send it to the corresponding LCD.
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